
Are produce codes the same everywhere?

Are produce codes the same everywhere?

All stores use the same codes. Produce, sold by weight or by the unit in an unprocessed form, does require a PLU code. Produce is defined as fruits, vegetables, dried fruits, herbs, flavorings, and nuts.

How do you memorize produce codes?

Make flash cards to help you memorize produce codes. You can use pictures or the name of the produce, depending on how you learn better. The trick is to learn not only what code goes to what item, but to be able to name an item when you see the code. Spend extra time on memorizing codes to similar items.

What do produce numbers mean?

When you reach for piece of fruit or vegetable at the grocery store, you may notice a small sticker on the skin with numbers. The four- or five-digit numbers identify the produce, indicating size, growing method, type of food (apple or orange for instance) and variety (such as a Honeycrisp or Golden Delicious apple).

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Where do produce codes come from?

The codes have been in use since 1990, and over 1400 have been assigned. The codes are administered by the International Federation for Produce Standards (IFPS), a global coalition of fruit and vegetable associations that was formed in 2001 to introduce PLU numbers globally.

What is banana code?

1. Conventionally grown produce has four digits on the sticker. If you buy a banana with a four-digit code (4011 is the code for bananas) on the sticker, that banana was conventionally grown with the use of pesticides. All conventionally grown produce will have stickers with four digits.

What is the PLU for dill cucumbers?

Bobbywires.com – PLU lookup utility

PLU Code Commodity Size
4592 CUCUMBER All Sizes
4593 CUCUMBER All Sizes
4062 CUCUMBER All Sizes
4594 CUCUMBER All Sizes

What does 4011 mean on bananas?

Conventionally grown produce has four digits on the sticker. If you buy a banana with a four-digit code (4011 is the code for bananas) on the sticker, that banana was conventionally grown with the use of pesticides.

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How do you read PLU numbers?

Using Price Look-up Codes (PLUs), the Nutshell: PLU codes are four digit numbers that identify different types of produce. For example, #4011 is the code for a standard yellow banana. The number 9 prefix added to a PLU signifies that an item is organic. For example, #94011 is the code for an organic yellow banana.

Are 4011 bananas GMO?

PLU codes are four digit numbers that identify different types of produce. For example, #4011 is the code for a standard yellow banana. A number 8 prefix added to a PLU signifies that an item is genetically engineered (GE). For example, #84011 is the code for a genetically engineered yellow banana.