
Are your children an investment?

Are your children an investment?

The data suggest otherwise. Second, having kids is a huge investment. Many—and perhaps most—U.S. parents spend more on their children than they end up saving for their own retirement. The Department of Agriculture estimates it costs almost $234,000 for a middle-class family to raise a child through age 17.

Why do parents invest money on their children?

Explanation: <> Every parent wants their child to study well become something in their lifes and make their parents proud. <> To make their dream come true parents invest more in students education because education is the key to success.. <>Hence this is why parents invest more money in their childs education…

How much money should a 10 year old have?

Giving a Raise: Age 10 or 11 So how much allowance should you give? Levine recommends 50 cents to a dollar for every year of age, on a weekly basis. For example, a 10 year old would receive $5 to $10 per week. As your child grows, so should his responsibility for his own discretionary spending.

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Why do educated parents invest more heavily on their children’s?

Educated parents invest more heavily in their children’s education because: They know the value of education and understands that education is important for the development of children. They usually plan their children’s education more efficiently as they are experienced and understand the process of development.

Why do educated parents invest more heavily in their children give three reasons?

This is because they have realised the importance of education for themselves and their children. They are also conscious of the proper nutrition and hygiene one needs. They accordingly look after their children’s needs for education at school, and good health.

Where should I invest my future for kids?

Investment options to ensure your child has a secure future

  • Equity mutual funds.
  • Public Provident Fund (PPF)
  • Debt mutual funds.
  • Money-back insurance plans.
  • Recurring and fixed deposits.
  • Investing in gold.
  • Sukanya Samridhi Yojana (SSY)
  • Investing in Unit-Linked Insurance Plans (ULIPs)