
Can 498A be withdrawn?

Can 498A be withdrawn?

You can withdraw the sec 498a case as it is a compoundable office. For this you need to file a withdrawal petition application in the court where the complaint has been filed stating you do not want to pursue this case. Thereafter the case will be withdrawn.

How do I dismiss 498A?

Get the 498a FIR Quashed: You can also get the false 498A FIR quashed by High Court under Section 482 of CrPC. Courts are generally reluctant to quash an FIR or interfere in the law and order process, but if you have sufficient proof, the court has the power to quash the false 498A FIR filed by your wife.

Can 498A case be transferred?

You can definitely seek transfer of the cases . But then you have to satisfy the Apex Court as to why it was filed in your place and why are you seeking transfer after 6 years. Transfer of any case is mainly on the ground of hardship. You have to make out a case of hardship.

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Who can withdraw 498A?

if 498A case was filed before the court as complaint case then the complainant has right to withdraw the case at any stage of the case without the consent of the husband or any other person.

Can a wife withdraw 498A?

498A case is non-compoundable. Even the wife can’t withdraw the 498A,once the FIR lodged other than getting it quashed in the higher court. If the charge sheet is not filed yet by the police then she can give a restatement.

How much time Take withdraw a case?

Advocate Arijit Chatterjee your wife is willing to withdraw 498a/406 Case against you and have made agreement with you with that effect between you and if charge sheet is submitted by police then it will take 2-3 date for completion and for MCD it required 180 days .

Can case be transferred to another state?

Transfer of cases relating to Matrimonial Disputes from a court situated in a particular state to a court situated in another state, can only be done by the way of Transfer Petition which may be filed by either party to the case before Hon’ble Supreme Court of India.