
Can a photon turn into an electron and positron?

Can a photon turn into an electron and positron?

For pair production to occur, the electromagnetic energy, in a discrete quantity called a photon, must be at least equivalent to the mass of two electrons. Photon energy in excess of this amount, when pair production occurs, is converted into motion of the electron-positron pair.

Can a photon be converted into an electron?

A photon can spontaneously degenerate into a particle with mass and its antiparticle in a process known as pair production. In this process, the energy of the photon is completely transformed into the mass of the two particles. For example, a photon can turn into an electron and an anti-electron.

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How electron and positron is formed?

The formation of an electron-positron pair in a collision between a photon and a nucleus (Z + γ → Z + e− + e+) and electron–nucleus bremsstrahlung (Z + e− → Z + e− + γ) are two cross-channels of the same reaction.

Can a single photon break up into an electron positron pair?

Originally Answered: Can one single photon split into an electron-positron pair? Photons come in a variety of energies; but for a photon to split into an electron-positron pair, it need to have an energy of at least 1.022MeV (2 X 511keV). Anything less than that and the photon won’t split.

Why can’t an electron emit a single photon?

They are tightly controlled by an oscillating magnetic field, so that they emit coherent radiation. An electron can’t absorb a photon all by itself, because you can’t get conservation of energy and momentum with the electron alone.

Can you compress light?

Guiding light: Light can be compressed between a semiconductor nanowire and a smooth sheet of silver, depending on the nanowire’s diameter and its height above the metal surface. Previously, scientists have effectively shrunk light by converting it into waves that travel along the surface of metals.

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Can electrons turn into protons?

For example, beta decay of a neutron transforms it into a proton by the emission of an electron accompanied by an antineutrino; or, conversely a proton is converted into a neutron by the emission of a positron with a neutrino in so-called positron emission.

Can you split a photon?

The photon cannot be split as one can split a nucleus. As it has zero mass it cannot decay. But it can interact with another particle lose part of its energy and thus change wavelength. It can be transmuted.

Can a single photon break up into a pair of production and B into an electron positron pair?

In reading through old course material, I found the assignment (my translation): Show that a single photon cannot produce an electron-positron pair, but needs additional matter or light quanta.

How do you make a positron?

Positrons can be created by positron emission radioactive decay (through weak interactions), or by pair production from a sufficiently energetic photon which is interacting with an atom in a material.