
Can English names be written in Chinese?

Can English names be written in Chinese?

The simple answer is no, you can’t. There are specific characters that have been designated to ‘transliterate’ foreign names. They all have meanings of their own, and are used in other contexts as well, but they have been chosen and ‘borrowed’ for their sounds.

What does Gregory mean in Chinese?

First character of the Chinese Name Gregory Pronounced that way, it means: rattle; gurgle. There’s no difference between the simplified and the traditional version of this character.

How do Chinese write foreign names?

American and other foreign names are transliterated into Chinese characters when written in Chinese. The transliteration is based usually based on the sound of the name in the original language and not on the meaning of the name.

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How do I choose a Chinese last name?

I would strongly encourage you to choose one of the 100 most common Chinese surnames. This ensures Chinese people will recognise your name as a person’s name rather than a thing or a place. Your full name should be two or three characters long. The surname is one character, and your given name can be either one or two characters long.

How do Chinese people translate their native names into English?

It is common for Chinese people to translate their native names into English by pronunciation. An English translation is created by using the similar sounds of the Chinese characters. English names can also be translated to Chinese the same way. However, characters in Chinese are often chosen based off of meaning,…

How many characters should a Chinese name be?

Your full name should be two or three characters long. The surname is one character, and your given name can be either one or two characters long. Ask for help. If you’re only just thinking about getting a Chinese name, it’s likely you are not an expert Chinese speaker yet.

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What is the standard order of a Chinese name?

According to section 5.1.1, the standard order of a Chinese name has already been officially defined. 5.1.1 A Chinese name has two components, a surname and personal name. The surname and personal name are written separately with a space in between, so that the former is followed by the latter.