
Can I be a singer and a dancer?

Can I be a singer and a dancer?

It depends if you mean a professional singer and dancer or one in your personal life. Professionally, you could do the typical route of becoming a pop star/singer, and dance (make sure it’s worth watching/not slutty; aka no twerking, that’s not real dancing at all, so get dance lessons) on on stage while you sing.

Who is the best musician that can dance?

Rolling Stone Readers Pick Their 10 Favorite Dancing Musicians

  1. Michael Jackson. It should come as no surprise that the King of Pop won this poll by a significant margin.
  2. Britney Spears.
  3. James Brown.
  4. Mick Jagger.
  5. Lady Gaga.
  6. Prince.
  7. Madonna.
  8. Janet Jackson.

Is dancing more attractive than singing?

More dedicated performer is more attractive. It is possible to like a song just for singer or just for actor/actress or for the combination. If you would ask me, I would be more attracted both.

How do you become a dancer or a singer?

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8 Steps to becoming a singer

  1. Believe in yourself and your dream. You must focus on this from the get go.
  2. Improve your singing.
  3. Sing as much as possible.
  4. Have a “go to” song.
  5. Learn To Embrace Rejection & Criticism.
  6. Network with people that are doing better than you.
  7. Set achievable Goals.
  8. Get your first paid work.

Who is the greatest dancer of all time?

The Top 7 Best Dancers of All Time

  • Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson was undoubtedly one of the best dancers of all time.
  • Martha Graham. Martha Graham is widely considered to be one of the best dancers of all time.
  • Gene Kelly.
  • Mikhail Baryshnikov.
  • Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers.
  • Rudolf Nureyev.
  • Gregory Oliver Hines.

Is dance or music harder?

Physically, dancing is the hardest, followed by playing an instrument, followed by singing.