
Can I cancel 2S ticket in train?

Can I cancel 2S ticket in train?

If a confirmed ticket is cancelled up to 48 hours before the scheduled departure of train, cancellation charges will be deducted at Rs 240 for AC First Class/Executive Class, Rs 200 for AC 2 Tier/First Class, Rs 180 for AC 3 Tier/AC Chair car/ AC 3 Economy, Rs. 120 for Sleeper Class and Rs.

How can I cancel 2 tickets in IRCTC?

Follow the given steps to cancel your e-ticket:

  1. Step 1: Visit the official website of Indian Railways, irctc.co.in.
  2. Step 2: Go to ‘Booked Tickets’ link.
  3. Step 3: Select the ticket to be cancelled by selecting the passengers to be cancelled.

Can I cancel duplicate train ticket?

REFUND OF DUPLICATE TICKET : If lost tickets are traced and presented along with the duplicate ticket before the departure of the train, refund is permitted for the duplicate ticket after deduction of 5\% of the charges paid subject to a min. of Rs. 20/-.

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What is the cancellation charges for 2S train ticket?

(i) On cancellation of confirmed reserved tickets 48 hours before the train’s scheduled departure, cancellation charge for first AC/executive class is Rs 240; second AC/first class is Rs 200; third AC/ACC/3A economy is Rs 180; second sleeper class is Rs 120 and second class is Rs 60.

What is the cancellation charges for railway ticket?

If a confirmed ticket is cancelled more than 48 hrs before the scheduled departure of the train, flat cancellation charges shall be deducted @ Rs.240/- for AC First Class/Executive Class, Rs.200/- for AC 2 Tier/First Class, Rs. 180 for AC 3 Tier/AC Chair car/ AC 3 Economy, Rs.120/- for Sleeper Class and Rs.60/- for …

How many times before train ticket can be Cancelled?

If you have booked your tickets in sleeper class and your ticket status is either unconfirmed or RAC, you can cancel your ticket 30 minutes prior of the train departure. For these tickets, railways charges Rs 60 cancellation charge per passenger.