
Can I have both VPF and NPS?

Can I have both VPF and NPS?

Yes, You can opt for both NPS and PF from your employer. Also, you can continue self-contribution to NPS, even as your employer contributes. Your tax benefits are as follows: Your PF contribution is allowed as a deduction under Section 80C, wherein the maximum deduction amount is Rs 1.5 lakh.

Can a government employee open VPF account?

The VPF is available only to salaried employees in India.

Who can open a VPF account?

To open a VPF account, an employee has to approach his HR/Finance team and advise them to raise a request for an additional contribution in the VPF through a registration form. The existing EPF account will serve as the additional VPF account. Currently, the interest is accrued at 8.5\% per annum under this scheme.

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Is VPF covered under 80C?

The Voluntary Provident Fund (VPF) is one of the tax-saving investments covered under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, 1961. The sovereign guarantees back the EPF investments, and hence, they are absolutely safe. Furthermore, the EPF investments earn a guaranteed rate of returns at 8.5\% p.a.

How can I open a VPF account in HDFC Bank?

The process to open a PPF Account Online.

  1. Sign in to HDFC Bank NetBanking.
  2. Under Offers Tab, click on the banner for ‘Public Provident Fund.
  3. Confirm the details shown in the next screen and enter the amount you want to deposit.
  4. Choose if you wish to add a nominee and click submit.

Which is better VPF or PPF?

PPF stands for Public Provident Fund and VPF for Voluntary Provident Fund….Difference between PPF & VPF.

Features PPF VPF
Employee Contribution on Basic + DA N.A Voluntary (Upto 100\%)
Employer Contribution N.A N.A
Taxation on Maturity Returns None Tax Free
Tax Deduction As per section 80 C As per section 80 C