
Can I open PPF account in different branch of SBI?

Can I open PPF account in different branch of SBI?

Note that the PPF accounts can be opened in any one branch. Hence, while filling up the Form-A, the depositor will have to provide the information about the branch where he/she wants to open the PPF account.

Can I deposit PPF in any branch other than home branch?

As per an order of the Department of Post, investors can deposit cheques at any non-home branch towards their small savings scheme including Public Provident Fund (PPF), Sukanya Samriddhi Account (SSY), post office Recurring Deposit (RD) and savings account.

What is the procedure to open a SBI PPF account away from home branch?

Open PPF account with SBI just in 3 steps

  1. Step 1 – Locate the nearest authorised SBI branch: To open PPF account, first you need to find the nearest SBI branch.
  2. Step 2 – Fill up Account Opening Form and submit ID & address proof:
  3. Step 3 – Get the PPF Passbook:
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Can we open PPF account without visiting branch?

How to open a PPF account offline? Get an application form from the nearest post office or sub-post office in your area. Fill up the form and submit it with the required KYC documents and passport sized photograph. The initial deposit required to open a post office PPF account is Rs.

Can I transfer PPF account from one bank to another?

PPF account can be transferred from one authorised bank or Post office to another. In such case, the PPF account will be considered as a continuing account. To enable customers to transfer their existing PPF accounts from the other bank/post office to ICICI Bank , following process is to be followed.

Can PPF be opened in non home branch?

Non individuals and non-resident Indians (NRIs) can’t open a PPF account. However, a resident, who subsequently becomes NRI during the currency of the maturity period, may continue to subscribe to the fund till its maturity on a non repatriation basis, but can’t extend the account after maturity.