
Can I request no fluoride at dentist?

Can I request no fluoride at dentist?

As parents, you have the right to CHOOSE to say no to fluoride. Although some dental offices will allow parents to refuse fluoride treatments, they may not be aware that fluoride may also be found in the prophy paste (the paste the hygienists use to clean patient’s teeth).

Is fluoride treatment worth it for adults?

Not only can fluoride strengthen teeth to prevent future decay, it can also help to arrest early decay, thus preventing the need to fill a tooth. Adults can benefit from fluoride because as we age, our teeth weaken as well making them more susceptible to decay.

How do you prevent cavities without fluoride?

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4 Steps for Preventing Cavities (Without Fluoride!)

  1. #1: Maintain Excellent Oral Hygiene.
  2. #2: Eat a Nutritious Diet (And Hydrate)
  3. #3: Rinse After Eating Sugar.
  4. #4: Visit a Holistic Dentist.
  5. About Dr. Thomas.

Do adults need to use fluoride toothpaste?

For the majority of children and adults, fluoride provides excellent benefits to your teeth. While some people debate over whether or not to use fluoride, this naturally occurring mineral is a safe ingredient that helps protect your teeth from cavities.

Is there an alternative to fluoride?

Xylitol. Xylitol is a great alternative to fluoride in preventing dental decay. It is a natural sweetener classified as a sugar alcohol, extracted from the fibrous parts of plants.

Is the fluoride treatment at the dentist really worth it?

YES! Fluoride treatments at the dentist are absolutely worth it. For both Adults and Children, Fluoride not only helps prevent cavities but also reduces any sensitivity and acts as a barrier to any bacteria from growing. The best time it can be used is right after the cleaning which allows better application and absorption by your teeth.

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Why do dentists use fluoride?

Too much demineralization without enough remineralization to repair the enamel layer leads to tooth decay. Fluoride helps prevent tooth decay by making the tooth more resistant to acid attacks from plaque bacteria and sugars in the mouth. It also reverses early decay.

Is fluoride a conspiracy?

The Fluoride Conspiracy. Fluoride, a waste constituent in the manufacturing processes of explosives, fertilizers and other ‘necessities’, was expensive to dispose of properly and until a ‘use’ was found for it in America’s water supplies, the substance was only considered a toxic, hazardous waste.

Is fluoride toothpaste dangerous?

Research that’s been done is spotty at best, but for the most part, research has shown that large doses of topical fluoride MAY have a positive effect on decay. Of course, at those large doses, fluoride is toxic (as Dr. Mercola points out, even the toothpaste label says it’s toxic).