
Can I trade under a different name to my ltd company?

Can I trade under a different name to my ltd company?

Trading names You can also trade using a different name to your registered name. Trading names must not: be the same as an existing trade mark. include ‘limited’, ‘Ltd’, ‘limited liability partnership, ‘LLP’, ‘public limited company’ or ‘plc’

Can I add Pvt Ltd in my company name?

(1) The word ‘limited’ or ‘private limited’ or ‘ltd’ or ‘pvt ltd’ must always come at the end of the name of the companies and not at the beginning or in between the name.

Can private limited company have more than one name?

Yes, it is possible to run two or more separate businesses under a single limited company. This involves the use of trading names to compartmentalise the overall company into separate units, each of which can be run as a unique business.

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Can I use India word in private limited company?

No, it is not allowed. Only in rare circumstances and in cases of public utility services such names are allowed. You can refer to Indian Partnership Act on this regard.

Can two companies use the same trading name?

A business may use as many trading names as it requires, but these cannot be registered as official names of the company. They are often used for marketing purposes to distinguish one division of the company from another.

Can two companies have the same trading name?

You can use as many business/trading names as you like, but you should avoid using one that is the same as the registered name of a company in the same industry. This could be viewed as ‘passing off’, which would mean you were taking advantage of a company’s goodwill and trust.

Can two companies have the same name in India?

A company cannot have the same name as another registered company. Any company formation or change of name application containing a company name that is the ‘same as’ or ‘too similar’ to an existing name will be rejected by Companies House. These rules exist to protect the general public from being misled or confused.

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Can India name be used in company name?

Under present laws, there is no restriction of using word “India” in the name of Company. No compulsory minimum capital requirement is there, to use word “India” in the name of Company.

What is the difference between a company name and a trading name?

A trading name is the name (or names) used by a person, partnership or company for carrying out business which is not the same as their own name or official registered name. A business may use as many trading names as it requires, but these cannot be registered as official names of the company.