
Can I use the same SSL cert on multiple servers?

Can I use the same SSL cert on multiple servers?

No matter what language you speak, no matter what industry you work in, the answer is still the same: Yes, you can use one SSL certificate for multiple domains on the same server. And, depending on the vendor, you also can use one SSL certificate on multiple servers.

Can I use SSL certificate on another server?

If you have multiple Windows servers that need to use the same SSL certificate, such as in a load-balancer environment or using a wildcard or UC SSL certificates, you can export the certificate to . pfx file and import it on a new Windows server. This may also be necessary when you switch hosting companies.

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Can I reuse SSL certificate?

You can re-use your SSL certificate if you configure your DNS so that your test machine is the same domain name as server, which is probably a bad idea. If you use the certificate, it will correctly encrypt connections using SSL, but any client will get a certificate mis-match error.

Can a wildcard SSL certificate be installed on multiple servers?

Yes, a Wildcard SSL Certificate can be used on multiple servers.

What is Multi domain SSL certificate?

Multi-Domain SSL certificates allow a single certificate to secure multiple domains, including sub-domains of a single main domain name or entirely different domain names. This type is also commonly referred to as a UCC SSL (Unified Communications Certificate) or a SAN SSL (Subject Alternative Names).

Can I use one SSL certificate on multiple domains godaddy?

One multi-domain certificate does it all. You can use one SAN Certificate to secure multiple site names, like LilysBikes.com, LilysBikeShop.com and Lilys. bike for example. Protect up to 100 websites.

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How do I transfer an SSL certificate to another server?

From a high-level standpoint, this process consists of three parts:

  1. Export the SSL Certificate from its current server. This includes private keys and intermediate certificates.
  2. Convert the SSL Certificate. This may be superfluous if your new server uses the same format.
  3. Import the SSL Certificate on your new server.

How do I move SSL from one host to another?

Are SSL Certificates machine specific?

No. It is not necessary to generate the CSR on the machine that you want to host the resulting certificate on. The CSR does need to be generated either using the existing private key that the certificate will be eventually paired with or its matching private key is generated as part of the CSR creation process.

Do you need a CSR for a wildcard certificate?

However, before a wildcard certificate is issued to you, like any other SSL certificate, you must generate a CSR. And, for that, you have to ensure that the format of the domain is correct. For example, to generate a CSR to secure the base domain and all its sub-domains, you need to enter the domain with * (asterisk).

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Does a wildcard certificate have a private key?

As with single-name certificates, wildcard SSL certificates encrypt data via a set of keys. This includes a public key that is stored on the digital certificate and a private key that is kept on your server.

Do I need multiple SSL certificates?

In most cases, you’ll only need one SSL certificate for your domain. But in certain cases, you might need two certificates for a single domain. If you’ve got multiple subdomains (such as blog.mysite.com and store.mysite.com), you can either use multiple SSL certificates or a wildcard SSL certificate.