
Can I use two node versions?

Can I use two node versions?

Usually, we work on different versions for our Node. js project and it’s hard to manage them, but fortunately, there is a tool called NVM(node version manager) which helps to manage your node version and switch between them according to your projects.

How do I run multiple versions of NodeJs?


  1. Get a List of all available NodeJs versions.
  2. Install latest NodeJs version.
  3. Install latest LTS Release.
  4. UnInstall the multiple NodeJs version.
  5. Get a List of installed NodeJs version.
  6. Switching Between installed NodeJs Versions.
  7. Run to specific NodeJs version, without switching.

Can I run multiple node apps on same server?

That’s it. Today we learned how to deploy multiple NodeJS applications on single VPS. Now we can host more than one application on single server.

How do I use different node versions in NVM?

  1. Switch to specific Node.js version nvm use 8.10.0.
  2. Switch to the latest Node.js version: nvm use node.
  3. Switch to the latest LTS version: nvm use –lts.
  4. you can check which versions you have installed by running: nvm ls.
  5. Specify a Node Version on a Per-project Basis.
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How do I switch between node versions?

To switch through installed versions, nvm provides the nvm use command. This works similarly to the install command. So, you need to follow this by a version number or an alias. When switching to a different version, nvm will make the node instance in your terminal symlink to the proper Node.

Can you run multiple node js files?

You can just make the two scripts be modules that each export one master function. You require() them in and execute that one master function on each.

How do I serve two node JS apps on one domain?

12 Answers

  1. Use some other server (like nginx) as a reverse proxy.
  2. Use node-http-proxy as a reverse proxy.
  3. Use the vhost middleware if each domain can be served from the same Connect/Express codebase and node. js instance.

How do I use a different version of node JS?

To switch to a different version of Node. js, use the nvm command use followed by the version of Node. js you would like to use: nvm use 0.10.

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Do people still use NVM?

n is a Node module, which can be installed by npm, and nvm is a Bash script. n and nvm are both still active projects, because it’s still more of a bother than updating on Windows. They are still actively maintained, and both have been modified less than 10 days ago.