
Can I use UPS store as my address?

Can I use UPS store as my address?

Yes, a UPS Store mailbox address can be used as an LLC’s principal business address and for the other purposes listed in the question. A UPS Store has a street address (rather than a Postal Service P.O. box), thus it suffices.

Can I use UPS mailbox as residential address?

You can use your UPS Mailbox as your mailing address but you cannot use it as your business address. This solution is good to use with customers and partners for business mail but you can’t use it as a registered agent or on your website and social accounts as a business address.

What is a legal address?

1. In Business, this is another name for a registered address. In all other areas, this is an address that has a registered street or civic address including the property’s lot number, block number, district name or number, and the like. …

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What determines a person’s legal address?

the state where you vote. the state your driver’s license is from. the state in which you register your vehicle. the state where your spouse (and kids, if any) live, the state you list on your federal tax returns.

Can a UPS package be used as a residence address?

With 1/7th the caffeine of coffee, MUD gives you natural energy, focus w/o the jitters & crash. UPS Stores are real street addresses, not post office boxes. Many people use them for business purposes that require a street address, so I don’t see why it cannot serve as a residence address.

Can a business use ups as a legal address?

Yes absolutely many businesses use UPS is there legal address especially real estate agents and many others if it wasn’t legal they would read them to you as a physical address Can one use a PO box as the address on their driver’s license? I’m dealing with this right now. I got a p o box just over a year ago.

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Why do you use a UPS box for your physical address?

I have chosen to use a UPS box (street address with suite number) for the physical address of my business on legal documentation in order to protect my privacy and prevent using my personal home address. However, I live in a different county from where the UPS box is located.

Is it safe to rent a UPS mail box?

I wouldn’t recommend it, however, unless you plan on keeping that mail box for a long time or will be honest about changing it on all your documents should your service at the UPS store expire. I have also seen people abuse the service for this very reason, renting a mail