
Can I use whitener in account opening form?

Can I use whitener in account opening form?

No, never use whitener or overwriting. This will allow any one to change the particulars or data you have written instead.

What is r/o in SBI account opening form?

In the banking/Voter ID declaration form, R/O is the abbreviation of the ‘RESIDENT OF’. It refers to the area of your housing address. Therefore, in this field, you need to add the area name that is closest to your housing address. Conclusion. Having a bank account means assuring the safety of your money.

What is 1st and 2nd applicant in SBI form?

1st or main Applicant needs to put Signature in the first box Provided. 2nd Applicant(If Any) needs to put Signature in the second box Provided. 3rd Applicant(If Any) needs to put Signature in the third box Provided.

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Can we use whitener on certificate?

Well using a whitener or over-writing is generally not acceptable on a medical certificate as it raises the suspicion of certificate being fake or tampered. So you may have to get that certificate re-attested by a Medical officer.

How can I know my SBI bank signature?

For those who want to check their own signature in SBI account, it is essential that they fill out the form for the signature verification or change and then follow all the instructions that are provided on the form. Apart from that, they need to provide all the KYC documents in order to offer proof to the bank.

What does r/o stand for in form?


Acronym Definition
R/O Reverse Osmosis
R/O Registered Office (UK)
R/O Resident Of
R/O Relationship Officer

Is PAN card mandatory for opening bank account in SBI?

The Bank is required to obtain Permanent Account Number (PAN) of the customer or declaration in Form No. 60 or 61 as per the I.T. Act (vide Section 39A) from the person opening the account. A passbook is issued in all Savings Bank Accounts.