
Can iPhone see infrared light?

Can iPhone see infrared light?

Your iPhone’s main camera cannot see infrared light, because Apple added a filter over the lens that blocks out infrared light, so the infrared light cannot be seen on the screen.

What is the thing next to the flash on iPhone?

The iPhone has a hole next to its rear camera lens. It’s easy to miss because it’s so small, and you might never have noticed it before, let alone wondered what it’s for. However, the hole actually serves a very important purpose. It is, in fact, a microphone, one of three on the device.

What is the black dot next to my camera on my iPhone?

Between the camera lens and the flash is a little black hole, which is an additional microphone. If you look closely, you will notice the characteristic comb-like structure of microphones.

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What is the hole between iPhone camera and flash?

Basically, this tiny hole is a microphone. It goes by the name ‘Rear Microphone’.

How do I make my iPhone camera flash?

Enabling Flash ON Mode

  1. Open your Camera App.
  2. On the viewfinder, swipe UP to reveal more controls.
  3. Once you have the advanced camera options, tap the flash settings icon, which looks like a lightning strike.
  4. Tap the ON button to force-enable the flash.

What are the sensors on front of iPhone?

Your iPhone’s proximity sensor can tell when you’re holding the phone up to your ear, and it will shut off the screen, saving battery and preventing your face from accidentally hitting buttons. The proximity sensor can malfunction due to obstruction by a phone case, dirt or grime, or a software issue.

Why does my camera have a dark spot?

If your black spots appear consistently in the same location, you’ve probably got dust particles on your sensor. This is a common problem for DSLRs and mirrorless cameras with interchangeable lenses. If there are black spots, you’ve probably got dust on your sensor.