
Can laser eye surgery be repeated?

Can laser eye surgery be repeated?

In most cases the answer is yes and further treatment is possible, even a decade after the initial laser vision correction procedure. Laser vision correction normally improves distance vision for life, but natural changes in the prescription can occur and it’s not uncommon to need a second treatment many years later.

How many times can you get laser eye?

Lasik can be performed more than once, but more than three treatments may be harmful to your health and could be fruitless in the end by causing even more severe vision problems.

Does laser eye surgery last a lifetime?

The good news is that for a vast majority of patients, laser eye surgery is permanent. They can live their life without worrying about glasses or contact lenses again.

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Is it worth getting LASIK after 40?

LASIK is FDA-approved for anyone aged 18 and older. This is the only hard and fast rule when it comes to an age limit for this procedure, but since adult vision is typically at its healthiest from age 19 to 40, anyone within this range is a great candidate.

How many times can you safely get LASIK surgery?

The short answer is yes, in most cases, you can have laser eye surgery twice. That’s providing you have a safe amount of eye tissue following surgery. But the good news is you probably won’t need to, thanks to the high success rates of the procedure. For most people, the outcome of laser eye surgery is permanent.

Are You a good candidate for LASIK?

LASIK Candidates Should Have Overall Good Health: – You must be at least 18 years old. – To be a good candidate for LASIK laser eye surgery, you should not have any autoimmune diseases, such as Lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, or multiple sclerosis. – If you have diabetes it must be well managed and under good control and not have diabetic retinopathy.

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What to do before LASIK?

Stop wearing soft contacts around two weeks before surgery. This is a recommendation that most doctors have.

  • About three to four weeks before surgery,you should stop wearing gas permeable lenses. This type of lens can cause significant changes to your cornea.
  • For adults that work,make sure to request time off to recover.
  • What to expect after LASIK?

    LASIK Recovery: The First 24 Hours. After the topical anesthesia wears off,you will likely have some discomfort after surgery.

  • First Month. Your doctor will want to see you a day or two after your surgery to test your vision and examine your eyes to make sure your LASIK recovery
  • Three-Six Months.