
Can marginal revenue be zero or negative give reason?

Can marginal revenue be zero or negative give reason?

Yes, MR can be zero or negative, MR can be zero when TR remains same with rise in output. MR can be negative when TR falls with rise in output.

Is marginal revenue positive or negative?

1. marginal revenue at that quantity must be positive.

Why is Mr negative?

When he transforms into Mr. Negative, Li’s appearance resembles that of a photographic negative. He also speaks in a reverse colored speech balloon, although this does nothing to the sound of his voice.

Can total revenue be negative?

Price and total revenue have a negative relationship when demand is elastic (price elasticity > 1), which means that increases in price will lead to decreases in total revenue.

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Why does the marginal revenue of a monopolist firm turn negative?

By increasing quantity sold, the firm is forced to accept a reduction of price for all the current and previous production units, resulting in a negative marginal revenue (MR).

Can marginal product negative?

As more and more of variable input (labor) is employed, marginal product starts to fall. Finally, after a certain point, the marginal product becomes negative, implying that the additional unit of labor has decreased the output, rather than increasing it.

Can Mr be zero or negative in any situation?

MR can never be negative as it implies a situation of zero price.

Under what conditions can Mr be negative?

The correct option is (b): Under monopoly, MR can be negative only when AR is decreasing. Under monopoly and monopolistic competition when price is decreasing. To sell an extra unit in monopoly , price needs to be lowered .

When marginal product is negative total product is?

When marginal product is negative, total product is decreasing.

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Can the marginal physical product of labor be negative?

When not scaled properly, the marginal product of labor may go down when the number of employees goes up, creating a situation known as diminishing marginal returns. When the marginal product of labor becomes negative, it is known as negative marginal returns.

Can total revenue have a negative output?

The decrease in price will result in a decrease in total revenue, thus leading to a decrease in marginal revenue. At some point, marginal revenue will approach zero and can even become negative.