
Can we place God in front of main door?

Can we place God in front of main door?

Placing the idols at the main door It is considered auspicious to place idols and portraits of Gods and Goddesses at your entrance. As per Vastu, you can keep idols and photos of Ganesha and Lakshmi at the entrance of your home, to welcome good luck, wealth and prosperity.

Can mandir be placed at the entrance of the house?

While you can place mini puja units in your bedrooms, if you have a dedicated mandir at home, place it on the ground floor. This place is also ideal as it generates a positive vibe, right on the house’s entrance floor. And if you are placing the puja unit in your bedroom, make sure your feet don’t point towards it.

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Where should puja room be placed in house?

The North-east, East or the North directions are preferred for constructing a pooja room. These directions are considered the most auspicious. Avoid placing the pooja rooms beneath the staircases and next to the toilets to ensure zero negative energies.

Should pooja room have door?

A pooja room without a door is bad according to vastu. This is because, without a door, the pious energies inside a pooja room can weaken. Moreover, having only one door is also not advisable as per vastu shastra.

Can we have pooja room outside the house?

The location of pooja room is important to make it Vastu compliant. The best direction to build the pooja room is in the North-East corner of your home. However, if in your home this direction is not available for pooja space, you can build the pooja space in East or West direction of your home.

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Can we keep pooja room in entrance?

Pooja Room can have doors and windows in north or east walls. Entrance of pooja place must have a threshold. If the prayer area is in kitchen then keep it in the north-east corner of kitchen; you should face east while praying.

Can we have pooja room facing main door?

Which direction should God face at home? Idols in the pooja room must not face each other or the door. They must be located in the north-east ideally, and not too close to the wall.

Can pooja room be placed in dining?

The space constraint has resulted in many adjustments and adaptations in city homes and apartments. One such adjustment is to assign a space for pooja in the dining hall. In modern homes usually living rooms merges into the dining space, so having a pooja space in dining hall is like having it in living room.

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Can kitchen be next to pooja room?

Things to avoid in puja room Placement of puja room above, below or next to toilet or kitchen is not permissible as per Vastu.

Which god should be placed at home entrance?

As per Vastu Shastra, you should keep idols and photos of Ganesha and Laxmi at the entrance of your home to welcome good luck, wealth and prosperity.

Can mandir have doors?

#1: Doors. Vastu experts recommend that your mandir at home should always be demarcated with doors to preserve the sanctity of the sacred space. Ideally, your pooja room should have a double door made of wood. However, if this does not tie in with the interiors of your home, you can opt for other materials.