
Can we use React with CodeIgniter?

Can we use React with CodeIgniter?

The CodeIgniter application is not done as a RESTful API. js files of the reactjs app as the server is Apache. Running a nodejs server would not render the CodeIgniter views. Bootstrap, jquery, and simple javascript can be included within the view of the CodeIgniter application.

How install react JS in CodeIgniter?

Second one

  1. download the repository from github.
  2. extract into your codeigniter project folder.
  3. link css and js files in public folder into your view file.
  4. edit the package.json file and other (watch the Video)
  5. run the command “npm run watch” or “npm run prod”

How install React with NPM?

You can also use the above command separately which can be shown as below.

  1. javatpoint@root:~/Desktop/reactApp>npm install webpack –save.
  2. javatpoint@root:~/Desktop/reactApp>npm install webpack-dev-server –save.
  3. javatpoint@root:~/Desktop/reactApp>npm install webpack-cli –save.
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Can Reactjs be used with PHP?

You can populate default states in your react code using php. The best way to use PHP as backend with React Js as front end is to keep both seperate. Make a stand alone front-end and use PHP to create APIs which interacts with the database.

What is ReactPHP?

ReactPHP is a low-level library for event-driven programming in PHP. At its core is an event loop, on top of which it provides low-level utilities, such as: Streams abstraction, async DNS resolver, network client/server, HTTP client/server and interaction with processes.

Can we create single page application using PHP?

  1. Create a New Bucket. Your bucket’s name is the name of your website, project, client or web application that you are building.
  2. Install the PHP Single-Page “Astral” App.
  3. Deploy to Web.
  4. Edit Global Objects, Object Types and Objects.

How do I run an existing React JS project?

Discussion (4)

  1. Open your terminal and then type. $ git clone {the url to the GitHub repo} This clones the repo.
  2. cd into the new folder and type. $ npm install. This installs the required dependencies.
  3. To run the React project. $ npm start.
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How do you deploy the React web app?

Configure the deploy settings. Select a default branch to deploy (you can choose the master branch or any other branch) and ensure that the build command is npm run build and the publish directory is /build . Click Deploy site, and your React app will be deployed on Netlify’s remote server.

What is Rxphp?

Reactive extensions for PHP. The reactive extensions for PHP are a set of libraries to compose asynchronous and event-based programs using observable collections and LINQ-style query operators in PHP.