
Can you mix mothballs and water?

Can you mix mothballs and water?

Naphthalene is a white solid that evaporates easily. It is also called mothballs, moth flakes, white tar, and tar camphor. When mixed with air, naphthalene vapors easily burn. Fossil fuels, such as petroleum and coal, naturally contain naphthalene.

How do you dissolve mothballs in water?

The best way to remove the mothball smell in your home is by using baking soda. Mix some baking soda with warm water and mop the floors with the solution. Make sure that you keep the rooms properly ventilated when mopping.

Can you dilute mothballs?

Naphthalene mothballs and 1,4-dichlorobenzene mothballs should not be mixed, as they react chemically to produce a liquid (rather than sublimating) that may cause damage to items being preserved.

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What happens if you touch mothballs?

If you touch mothballs, naphthalene can enter your body. Low levels of naphthalene have been found in some samples of fatty tissue and breast milk. The body dissolves naphthalene in your blood, which carries it to the liver and other organs. It then passes through your body and exits in the urine and waste matter.

Why are moth balls banned?

Exposure to naphthalene mothballs can cause acute hemolysis (anemia) in people with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency. IARC classifies naphthalene as possibly carcinogenic to humans and other animals (see also Group 2B). Mothballs containing naphthalene have been banned within the EU since 2008.

How do you make a moth repellent spray?

Moth repellent spray

  1. Water 4 ounces.
  2. Essential oil of cedar – 20 to 30 drops.
  3. Essential oil of lavender – 10 to 20 drops.
  4. Essential oil of peppermint – 5 to 10 drops.
  5. Essential oil of eucalyptus – 10 to 20 drops.
  6. Optional: Citronella essential oil – 5 drops.
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Are mothballs toxic to breathe?

The chemicals in mothballs are toxic to humans and pets. People are exposed to the chemicals in mothballs by inhaling the fumes. Extended exposure to mothballs can also cause liver and kidney damage.

What kind of animals do mothballs keep away?

“Often, mothballs are used in these locations to control pests other than clothes moths,” Stone said. They include squirrels, skunks, deer, mice, rats, dogs, cats, raccoons, moles, snakes, pigeons and a variety of other animals.

Are mothballs safe to use in the house?

‘ and the answer to this question is yes, potentially. According to the National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC), the chemicals use in mothballs can be toxic to humans and pets and as people are exposed to these chemicals that are released as toxic fumes in the air space of the home.