
Can you order Uber or Lyft for someone else?

Can you order Uber or Lyft for someone else?

Requesting rides for others You’re welcome to request rides for someone else. Just enter your friend’s address in the app, then tap ‘Change rider’ at the top of the screen. The driver and your friend will get details, and you can watch the progress of the ride in your app.

Can you drive LYFT for someone else?

Yes, as long as both names are on the insurance. So if you and your spouse, significant other, friend, or family member share a car, both of you can be Lyft drivers as long as both of you are insured.

Can you do Uber with a car that’s not yours?

Yes, as long as you are listed on the insurance for the said vehicle, you can drive that vehicle as an Uber driver.

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Is it illegal to use someone else’s Uber account?

Uber’s terms and conditions do not allow sharing of driver accounts. Another driver using your account poses a serious safety concern. If we learn that a driver did not match the profile displayed by a rider’s app, the account will be immediately suspended pending an investigation.

Can I drive Uber under my wifes name?

Yes, your friend, family member, or anyone else can drive your car for Uber, but with a few caveats: – The person meets the Uber requirements to become a driver, e.g. over 21, legally licensed, etc. – The person needs to be properly insured and “attached to the vehicle.”

Can I drive uber eats for someone else?

At any point during the delivery process, you may choose to have someone else deliver on your behalf, provided they meet the below safety conditions. If you use a substitute, you dont have to tell us beforehand, but you must let us know within 24 hours after the completion of the first delivery with any new substitute.

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Can I add money to someone else’s Lyft account?

To manually add retail or a digital gift card codes to your Lyft Cash balance in the Lyft app: Tap the menu icon in the top left corner. Tap the Gift card icon. *