
Can you put plumbing through floor joists?

Can you put plumbing through floor joists?

The maximum allowable diameter of a hole in any solid-lumber joist is one-third of the joist’s depth. Notches can’t be deeper than one-sixth of the joist depth. Although notches aren’t allowed in the center third of a joist’s length, you can drill holes anywhere along the length of the floor joist in that 5 1⁄4-in.

Can you run a drain pipe through a floor joist?

Running drainpipe through joists calls for meticulous work. The holes must follow a straight line across the floor and must ascend or descend so the pipe will be sloped 1/4 inch per foot. (If joists are 16 inches on center and pipes run across them at a right angle, holes should differ in height by about 3/8 inch.)

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Can you put a waste pipe through a joist?

Can a waste pipe go through a joist? Running waste pipes through joists should be avoided where possible, as any drilling of joists (also known as notching joists) may weaken them and compromise the structural integrity. Notches must be no closer than 0.07 the span of the joist to the structure supporting them.

Is it OK to notch a floor joist?

A: Floor joists occasionally need to be notched or drilled during construction, but you should take pre cautions not to weaken the structural strength of the framing member. First rule: Avoid notching a joist along the middle third of its length. The maximum hole size is 1/3 the joist’s depth.

Can I drill holes in floor joists?

You can drill the holes anywhere along the length of the joist (first photo). If you have manufactured I-joists, you can drill holes up to 1-1/2 in. diameter almost anywhere in the web area (the area between the flanges).

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Can waste pipes run under floorboards?

They can be mounted on the floor, but usually pipes run below the floor in-between the floor joists. Running this pipe from one end of the house to the other simply is not practical. It would also be necessary to run hot and cold mains water pipes into the bedroom from the nearest accessible existing pipework.

Does screwing into a joist weaken it?

When weight is applied to a joist, the top edge goes into compression while the bottom edge goes into tension. Improperly sized or placed holes and notches weaken the joist, make it bouncy and saggy, and provide an easy place for it to crack and fail.