
Can you respond oui to Ca va?

Can you respond oui to Ca va?

How to respond. If “Ça va?” asks “How’s it going?” the answer is the same as with our second phrase (“Ça va bien, et toi?”). If someone is asking if you’re okay, you can say “Oui, ça va, merci” (“I’m okay, thank you”).

What is ça va?

Ça va, which is pronounced like “sah vah,” is a common phrase heard in day-to-day French speech. Ça va literally translates to “it goes,” but it is used in a variety of situations.

How do you respond to comment vas?

French people generally expect an answer when they ask “comment allez-vous?” or “comment tu vas?”, but the answer doesn’t have to be long. In fact, it’s common to simply say “ça va” (it’s going well) whether you actually feel good or not.

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How can ca va be used?

The Straightforward Meaning of Ça Va This expression is most commonly used to ask how someone is doing, even if you are not necessarily expecting or wanting a reply. Salut, ça va? (Hi, how are you?/how are things?/how is it going?)

What do you say when someone says merci beaucoup?

“De rien”. “Merci beacoup” means “thank you very much” so you would say “You’re welcome” back. “De rien” means “You’re welcome”.

What is the meaning of Comment vas tu?

how are you
Translation of “comment vas-tu” in English. Adverb. how are you.

How do you say ca va?

The expression ça va (pronounced “sah vah”) is one of the most common phrases in French….Variations of Ça Va.

French English Translation
Ça va bien It’s going well. I’m doing well.
Ça va mal It’s going badly. I’m not doing so well.
Ça (ne) va pas It’s not going well. It’s not OK.
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How do you use ca va?

What is the difference between Comment ca va and comment vas?

Member. “Comment vas-tu” can be used in any situation. “Comment ça va” is more used when speaking and “comment vas-tu” when writing. With your girlfriend you can use both in conversation and in writing I recommend you to use “comment vas-tu” if you want to be romantic.