
Can you still drive with a bent rim?

Can you still drive with a bent rim?

Can I Still Drive If I Have a Bent Rim? Here at RGX we never recommend driving on a bent rim as this can lead to further damage to the wheel, tire, & steering. Bents rims will usually have a hard time maintaining a proper seal with the tire, this will lead to a loss in air pressure.

What if I bent my wheel when I hit a curb?

Bent rims can often be repaired. However, depending upon the severity of the damage, they may need to be replaced. This is a common hazard associated with a curb strike. When your wheel hits a curb, the force will cause the wheel to face in a different direction than the other wheels.

What damage can be caused by hitting a curb?

A major problem resulting from hitting the curb is throwing your car’s suspension out of alignment. This will lead to uneven tire wear in as little as 200 miles. Your tire may also have suffered damage to the sidewall that could lead to a possibly dangerous blowout.

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Is it safe to drive with a damaged rim?

Driving on a cracked rim should be avoided because it can be dangerous. A cracked rim can affect the performance of the tire, and can potentially cause a blowout. This is a hazardous condition to yourself and other vehicles near you.

Can you fix a rim that hit a curb?

But don’t despair right away — unless you scored a direct hit that damaged the wheel structurally, the “curb rash” you caused probably can be fixed and the wheel restored to a like-new appearance.

Will a bent rim leak air?

A bent rim can be obvious to the trained eye. The rim rests on the outer edge of your tire and maintains the air seal between your tire and your wheel. At best, an untreated bent rim can cause tires to leak air over time. At worst, you’re looking at a flat tire or a blowout.

Does a bent rim need to be replaced?

Can a Bent Rim Be Fixed? Upon the discovery that your rim is bent, you might first wonder, “Can a bent rim be fixed?” Almost always, a professional tire expert will be able to restore the shape of your rim. For more serious damages, the rim may need to be replaced entirely.