
Can you trademark an existing business name?

Can you trademark an existing business name?

If you’re wondering, “can you trademark something that already exists,” the simple answer is “no.” Generally speaking, if somebody has used a trademark before you, you can’t register the trademark for yourself.

Can I register an existing trademark in a different class?

A trademark is registered to a specific class, meaning different businesses can register the same trademark in different classes. Each business has to restrict the use of their respective trademark to the class they registered in.

Can you register the same trademark name?

If a proposed trademark name is similar to an already registered one and could be confusing, the USPTO won’t register it. To be that confusing, the trademark names must be identical and must belong in the same services or goods class.

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Can you choose a company name that is already taken?

If your company name is already taken, consider a business (or trading) name. You can use as many business/trading names as you like, but you should avoid using one that is the same as the registered name of a company in the same industry.

How many classes can you register a trademark?

Trademark is segregated into 45 different classes as per the NICE classification for a trademark, also known as the International Certification of Goods and Services. Each of the trademark classes represents a distinct set of goods and services.

Can you add trademark classes later?

Once a trademark application is filed, you may no longer add additional classes to it. If you need to protect your trademarks for new product or service offerings, you must file a another, separate application. You can continuously file additional applications as new products and services are offered under your brand.

How do I register a brand name?

As per for registration your brand product is must comes under 45 declared classes of product to trademark your brand name . You can register your brand as by filling form for it,complete all steps as for registration and look for for your regitration application status on site . How do I register a trademark in India?

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How do I protect a brand name or logo in India?

You can look up online about what data is needed. All the best! To protect a brand name or logo in India we can apply for Trademark Registration under Trademark Act, 1999. Trademark Registration is a protection given by the law for your mark under specified class.

What is trademark registration in India?

In layman’s term Trademark is also known as Brand name registration. Trademark registration in India has now it mandatory to register of any account shall have a trademark application filed in India. Apart from this Trademark has now made mandatory for filing of liquor license and as well as medicines print labels.

Do I have to register a business name before forming an LLC?

Registering a business name is part of the LLC filing process: once your LLC is filed in the state, your name is registered. While the name can be reserved beforehand, this is typically not necessary to file for an LLC. Forming an LLC is easy and only requires five simple steps: