
Could Aragorn have defeated the Balrog?

Could Aragorn have defeated the Balrog?

No. In the book, Gandalf specifically tells Aragorn, Boromir and Legolas that the Balrog was a foe beyond any of them. He knew it might be beyond even his powers to deal with, and there was nothing an elf and two men could bring to the fight that he couldn’t.

Why did Gandalf not run from the Balrog?

Gandalf had to kill Balrog because he had Balrog’s whip around his neck that took Gandalf with him. Gandalf also knew that the orcs hated sunlight and the fellowship would be much safer outside. Whereas, Balrog had no problems with the sunlight and he would have left moria in the trail of the Fellowship.

Could the fellowship have killed the Balrog?

No, that is not in line with the text. It is described as a body of body, in the middle of shadow. It is ‘streaming with fire’. This creation was impossible to defeat because weapons did nothing to it.

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Is gothmog the Balrog?

Gothmog was the Lord of Balrogs and the High-captain of Angband, one of the chief servants of the Dark Lord Morgoth during the First Age.

Can Galadriel defeat Balrog?

She would have been destroyed. Much greater fighters than her had been killed trying to fight balrogs, and were still killed even if they defeated their opponents. Galadriel isn’t a fighter. No matter what you may have heard about her being a war commander or whatever, it isn’t true.

How did the Balrog end up in Moria?

The Balrog eventually made his way back up into the Dwarvish tunnels of Moria, and from there, with Gandalf still following, he climbed something called “The Endless Stair.” According to Dwarvish legend, this went from the lowest dungeon in Moria to its highest point on the peak of the mountain Celebdil, and the …

Are Sauron and Gandalf equals?

Tolkien wrote a passage that supports that Sauron and Gandalf were equal in the beginning: “It was believed by many of the ‘Faithful’ that ‘Gandalf’ was the last appearance of Manwë himself… But I think it was not so… To the overthrow of Morgoth he sent his herald Eonwë.

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What happened to Gandalf after he killed the Balrog?

Gandalf faced the Balrog at the Bridge of Khazad-dûm and broke the Bridge, but was dragged down by the Balrog. He slew the Balrog but perished himself at the same time — to be sent back as the more powerful Gandalf the White.

What is the most dangerous Balrog in The Lord of the Rings?

The Balrog of Morgoth is the most feared living Balrog, but it was defeated by Gandalf in the Mines of Moria on the Bridge of Khazad-dûm. According to The Silmarillion, the Valaraukar (which were called Balrogs in Middle-Earth) were Maiar (angelic beings) that were “scourges of fire.”

Did Gothmog really slew the Balrog?

He slew the Balrog but perished himself at the same time — to be sent back as the more powerful Gandalf the White. Gothmog at the Storming of Gondolin illustration by Tom Loback Gothmog appears in various versions of the material.

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What happened to the Balrog in the first age?

Glorfindel fought a Balrog who waylaid an escape party from the fallen city; both fell from the mountainside in the struggle and perished. In the War of Wrath that ended the First Age, most of the Balrogs were destroyed, although at least one, the Balrog known as Durin’s Bane managed to escape and hide in “caverns at the roots of the earth.”