
Did any Sith turn into a Jedi?

Did any Sith turn into a Jedi?

Originally Answered: Did any Sith ever become a Jedi? Yes. The Jedi Knight story in SWTOR both introduces you to a Sith who became a Jedi and also gives you the opportunity to convince a Sith you fight to defect and if you succeed, he reappears later on as a Jedi.

Is Darth Vader a Sith or Dark Jedi?

Once a heroic Jedi Knight, Darth Vader was seduced by the dark side of the Force, became a Sith Lord, and led the Empire’s eradication of the Jedi Order.

What is the difference between a Jedi and a Sith?

Dark Jedi: Probably the most confusing group, Dark Jedi either were former Jedi who chose to follow the dark side or those with no light side training that simply chose the dark side. The difference between them and the Sith were the specific teachings of the Sith, however they occasionally worked along with the Sith.

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Who are the Dark Jedi?

Dark Jedi also became a term of note during the Great Sith War and the Jedi Civil War, where fallen Jedi served under the banners of Exar Kun and the duo of Darth Revan and Darth Malak, respectively. Thousands of years later, Sith Lords such as Palpatine would resurrect the term, with agents serving under him bearing the title.

How did the Sith and the Dark Jedi interbreed?

In time, the Dark Jedi and the remarkably Force-sensitive Sith natives interbred through the use of Sith alchemy and became one people. The united Sith formed an immensely rich and powerful empire built upon sorcery and dark-side-fueled technology quite possibly adapted from the scattered ruins of the earlier Infinite Empire of the Rakata .

Was the Sith’s creation the failure of the Jedi?

Here, Luke considers the Sith’s creation to be the failure of the Jedi; it’s the first mention of the Jedi in direct association with the Sith’s formulation in canon, especially with regards to the Star Wars movies.