
Do African cichlids need a filter?

Do African cichlids need a filter?

African cichlids are gill-breathing fish. Fish in a planted tank don’t need an aerator at all — it’s a waste of space and money. They can live with a broken filter until the waste in the water reaches toxic levels, which varies depending on how many fish you have, their size and how often you’re cleaning the tank.

How much filtration does my aquarium need?

The rule of thumb is that all the water in your tank should pass through the filter at least four times each hour. That makes it pretty easy to calculate what you need. When it’s borderline, always move to a higher flow rate. For example, a thirty-gallon tank requires a flow rate of at least 120 gallons per hour (gph).

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Do African cichlids need flow?

Registered. Most African cichlids appreciate relatively high water movement in the aquarium, and will often swim and play in the currents. They require a lot of surface agitation to promote oxygen exchange, as well.

What are the water parameters for African cichlids?

Parameters of the African Cichlid aquarium should include: pH 7.8-8.5. dH 10-15. Temperature 72°-82°F….Daily:

  • Feed fish.
  • Check water level and fill if needed.
  • Check filter operation, clean if flow rate is slow.
  • Check water temperature.

How long can cichlids go without a filter?

The fishes consume oxygen available at the lower levels of the aquarium. Then it starts hitting the surface of the water for more oxygen. Nevertheless, the fishes are under a lot of stress and they can only survive for almost two days after the oxygen depletion.

How much filtration do you need?

A good rule of thumb is to select a filter with a flow rate at least six times the volume of the tank—so for a 30-gallon tank you want a flow rate of about 200 gph (gallons per hour).

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Can aquarium have too much filtration?

You can’t really over-filter an aquarium, but it’s fairly easy to under-filter one. This rating system works well for the most part, however, heavily populated aquariums, or those with large predatory fish or fish that generate large amounts of waste should be fitted with oversized or multiple filters.

Do cichlids like strong current?

I know from my experience with African Cichlids, that they really don’t like a lot of current in their tank. I’ve found that if there’s too much current in the tank, they will very rarely venture out from amoungst the rocks to swim in the open areas.

What kind of light do cichlids need?

A lamp with a 5,000 ¡K to 6,000 ¡K color temperature is recommended, but many hobbyists prefer lamps which emit more red color as they can show the fish colors better. This is fine, but these types of lamps will not promote the growth of plants. Plant tanks require the correct lighting to be successful.