
Do proper length and proper time occur in the same frame?

Do proper length and proper time occur in the same frame?

Obviously, the rest frame of an object is a frame where all events involving it are happening at the same place. Therefore, proper length and proper time are defined here in the same reference frame – that of the object at rest.

Is there a reference frame in which the two events occur at the same position?

If the interval between two events is spacelike then there is some frame of reference where the events occur at the same time, and there is no frame of reference where the events occur at the same place.

What is proper length and proper interval?

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Coordinate time interval ✓ Proper length of an object is the length measured in the rest frame of the object. between two events is time interval measured between two events which occur at the same place. , respectively in the laboratory or Home reference frame ! ) > 0 -> time interval in HOME frame !

What is the proper length in special relativity?

“Proper length” is the length of an object in its rest frame. Moving objects are contracted in directions parallel to motion. The length of a moving object is measured by 2 observers separated in distance who measure each end at the same agreed time. Lengths perpendicular to the relative motion are not contracted.

How do you know the right length?

Proper length L0 is the distance between two points measured by an observer who is at rest relative to both of the points. Earth-bound observers measure proper length when measuring the distance between two points that are stationary relative to the Earth.

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Can 2 things happen at the same time?

Is it possible for two events happen at the exact same time? No. Even at any one event itself there can be several (or in though-experimental principle even arbitrarily many) distinct participants (encountering and passing each other, momentarily).

What is an example of simultaneity?

For example, a car crash in London and another in New York appearing to happen at the same time to an observer on Earth, will appear to have occurred at slightly different times to an observer on an airplane flying between London and New York.

Which frame of reference is proper time?

The proper time is the time interval measured by an observer who doesn’t move relative to this position. The proper time is the time as for the observer himself; it is his own time. If the interval is positive, there will always be a coordinate system where the position of the two events is the same.

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How do you find the correct length?

Earth-bound observers measure proper length when measuring the distance between two points that are stationary relative to the Earth. Length contraction L is the shortening of the measured length of an object moving relative to the observer’s frame: L=L0√1−v2c2=L0γ L = L 0 1 − v 2 c 2 = L 0 γ .

Which one of the following is correct about length contraction L observed length?

The proper length is always greater than the observed length. This effect is length contraction.