
Do you believe that social media like Facebook and other networks foster genuine online friendship?

Do you believe that social media like Facebook and other networks foster genuine online friendship?

Social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace do not help you make more genuine close friends, according to a survey by researchers who studied how the websites are changing the nature of friendship networks.

How does social media give us a false sense of reality?

[1] A false reality is created as a result of frequently interacting with “friends,” many of whom are obtained instantaneously. Social media also leads to unnecessary pressures and unhealthy comparisons. This is where social media can place an unnecessary pressure on individuals and cause psychological damage.

Do you think it is possible to become real friend with people you meet on the Internet?

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Of course, it is possible to establish real friendships through the internet. What you need in a friendship is truthfulness, reliability, empathy, respect and loyalty. If you’re getting all that from your online friends then you can consider them as genuine friends.

What type of media is communicate to friends?

Sending messages through social networking sites is their most popular method for communicating with friends; 94\% of content creators who use social network sites have sent a message to friend through a social network site, compared with 86\% of non-content-creators.

What information should we never post about ourselves on social media and why?

Personally Identifying Information You should therefore avoid sharing information that’s used to verify your identity, such as your full date of birth. Never share photos of your driver’s license, passport, or credit card, which contain personal information that you don’t want to make public.

Can you trust online friends?

You can trust online friends once you meet them in person and confirm that they are who they say they are. Again, it’s essential to take someone with you and stay safe when you meet an online friend in person. Video chat can be a place to start when it comes to making virtual connections real.