
Does Coinbase have a stop order?

Does Coinbase have a stop order?

Does Coinbase Pro support Stop Orders? Yes, Coinbase Pro does support stop-loss orders. A stop-loss is a conditional order that triggers at a given price. These order types are for automatically selling your crypto if it drops below a given price.

What is OCO on Bittrex?

One Cancels the Other, aka OCO (Available on API, Website, and Mobile): When placing an OCO, two stop orders are placed together, a stop buy and a stop sell. When one of the two orders is triggered, the order is executed while the other cancels out.

What is OCO limit in Binance?

A One-Cancels-the-Other (OCO) is a pair of orders combining a stop-limit order and a limit maker order on the same side, with the same order quantity. When either one of the orders is executed (the stop price is triggered for stop limit order), the other one is automatically canceled.

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What is a OCO stop?

What is a One-Cancels-the-Other Order (OCO) A one-cancels-the-other (OCO) order is a pair of conditional orders stipulating that if one order executes, then the other order is automatically canceled. An OCO order often combines a stop order with a limit order on an automated trading platform.

Why is trading disabled on Coinbase Pro?

The error message “Sorry, account temporarily disabled” indicates that your account currently has a restriction potentially related to a security concern. This restriction requires a Coinbase Security review to be removed.

What is Binance OCO order?

Intermediate. A “One Cancels the Other” (OCO) order consists of a pair of orders that are created concurrently, but it is only possible for one of them to be executed. This means that as soon as one of the orders get fully or partially filled, the other one will be automatically canceled.

What is OCO in Zerodha?

OCO (One Cancels the Other) trigger When you buy stocks, you can place an OCO trigger where you can set a stop-loss and target trigger \%. When either of the triggers is hit, the order is placed at the exchange and the other trigger is cancelled.

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Does Binance have OCO?

A “One Cancels the Other” (OCO) order consists of a pair of orders that are created concurrently, but it is only possible for one of them to be executed. This means that as soon as one of the orders get fully or partially filled, the other one will be automatically canceled.