
Does France still have a 35 hour work week?

Does France still have a 35 hour work week?

Try refreshing the page. France famously has a legally mandated 35-hour work week, enshrined in law since 2000. Under the current economic and epidemiological crisis, the country (politicians, newspapers) are rethinking the working week and if that can’t be brought down to 32 hours (or a four-day week).

Do the French work long hours?

Normal Work Hours in Paris The normal workday for an office worker in France starts anywhere from 8 – 9:30 am. And he/she usually doesn’t leave until 6:30-7:00 pm. Even if we count from 8:30 am – 6:30 pm, that is 10 hours per day or 50 hours a week.

Why does France have a 35 hour work week?

France’s 35-hour work week policy was introduced in 1998 to increase employment and is divisive, to say the least. Many argue it’s behind France’s high productivity, a boon for employee work-life balance and happiness, and has even led the French to adopt less materialistic values.

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Is 35 hours a week considered part-time?

Part-time work usually requires fewer than 30-35 hours a week but can vary widely depending on the company, position, and agreement between the employer and the worker. Plus, part-time work can be done in-office or remotely, and can include flexible hours or alternative schedules.

Is 35 hours a week good?

Official employer designations regarding full-time employment generally range from 35 to 45 hours, with 40 hours being by far the most common standard. Some companies consider 50 hours a week full-time for exempt employees.

How can I work 35 hours a week?

Five ways to work 35 hours (or less!) a week

  1. Option #1: Find a job that offers shorter hours.
  2. Option #2: Negotiate a custom deal.
  3. Option #3: Become a consultant (the right way)
  4. Option #4: Start a product business (the right way)
  5. Option #5: Early retirement.

Do the French go to work late?

The usual day is from about 9am to 6pm, with a long lunch of anything up to two hours. It’s not uncommon to work late into the evening when necessary to meet deadlines. However, there are favourable employment laws to restrict working hours, which is one of the reasons that France is considered a good place to work.

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Is a 35 hour week good?

“In terms of work-life balance, working 35 hours a week is ideal. His employer explicitly told him: ‘You’re on a 35-hour contract, we won’t pay you for any more work you do. ‘ The lack of flexibility of some employers may be a disadvantage for people needing and wanting extra work hours.