
Does Newtonian mechanics related acceleration and mass?

Does Newtonian mechanics related acceleration and mass?

First, force laws are used to calculate the net force acting on the particle. Newton’s second law then relates this net force to the particle’s mass and acceleration. Thus, the particle acceleration is obtained in terms of its mass and the properties of its environment.

How acceleration and mass are related of the force is constant?

According to Newton’s second law of motion, acceleration is inversely proportional to the mass when the force is a constant. The acceleration is directly proportional to the force when the mass remains constant.

Does mass affect constant acceleration?

Originally Answered: Does mass affect acceleration? The acceleration of gravity at the earth’s surface is constant. If you drop a 1 kg ball or a 10 kg ball the acceleration of both will be the same so from this you can conclude that in a gravitational field mass does not affect acceleration.

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What forces affect acceleration?

Two factors affect the acceleration of an object: the net force acting on the object and the object’s mass.

What variables affect the acceleration of an object and what manner do they affect the acceleration?

The second law states that the acceleration of an object is dependent upon two variables – the net force acting upon the object and the mass of the object. The acceleration of an object depends directly upon the net force acting upon the object, and inversely upon the mass of the object.

When a constant force is applied to an object the acceleration?

When a constant force is applied to an object, the acceleration of the object varies inversely with its mass. When a certain constant force acts upon an object with mass 6 kg, the acceleration of the object is 11 m/s2 . When the same force acts upon another object, its acceleration is 2 m/s2 .

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What is constant acceleration in physics?

Sometimes an accelerating object will change its velocity by the same amount each second. This is referred to as a constant acceleration since the velocity is changing by a constant amount each second.