
Does reactor type affect reaction rate?

Does reactor type affect reaction rate?

The value of the activation energy of the elementary reaction, like its kinetic equation (rate law), does not depend on the type of reactor and reaction conditions. Activation energy is falsified by transport phenomena, mainly by intraparticle diffusion, but this can be prevented.

Does the size of the container affect reaction rate?

As container volume increases without adding more gas, reaction rates of gas-phase reactions decrease, as these gases will collide less frequently in a larger space.

Does changing volume affect rate of reaction?

Under higher pressure or at a higher concentration, gas molecules collide more frequently and react at a faster rate. Conversely, increasing the volume of a gas decreases pressure which in turn decreases the collision frequency and thus reduces the reaction rate.

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How rates of reactions can be changed?

The rate of a reaction can change as a result of changes in temperature, concentration, pressure and the presence of catalysts. Increasing the concentration or pressure of reactants in a solution increases the reaction rate, because more reacting particles are present in the same volume.

When a large volume is there what type of reactor is used?

Explanation: Whenever a large volume is there for reaction we use tower reactor. It further consists of empty, packed and baffled tower reactors. 5.

Which of the following will decrease the rate of reaction?

Which of the following will decrease the rate of reaction? Explanation: Catalytic poisons are the once which are used to slow down the reaction inorder to avoid explosion when the temperature or pressure increase the critical value. Hence catalytic poisons are used such as aluminium oxide. 3.

Which changes will increase the rate of reaction?

In general, increasing the concentration of a reactant in solution, increasing the surface area of a solid reactant, and increasing the temperature of the reaction system will all increase the rate of a reaction. A reaction can also be sped up by adding a catalyst to the reaction mixture.

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Can you change the rate of a chemical reaction by changing the particle size of the reactants?

In chemical reactions that include a solid as one of the reactants, you can actually change the reaction rate by varying the size of the solid that reacts with the liquid or the gas. For a chemical reaction to happen, the molecules or atoms of the reactants need to collide with each other.

Why is the volume of CSTR larger than PFR?

CSTR reduces concentration of reactant to minimum in less time than what PFR does. Rate of reaction is directly proportional to reactant concentration for positive order reactions. More the concentration more will be the rate. Hence PFR gives higher conversion than CSTR for positive order reactions.