
Does seldom mean rarely?

Does seldom mean rarely?

Not often; infrequently or rarely. adverb. 32. 13. Seldom is defined as something that occurs rarely or not very often.

Do people still use seldom?

According to Google’s Ngram viewer, seldom has in fact been rarer than rarely in writing since about 1950. The OED’s earliest quoted example of rarely in the sense of seldom is from 1546, yet seldom has an example from c. 897, so seldom had a bit of a head start, but rarely has been steadily gaining in popularity.

What does it mean when someone calls you seldom?

: in few instances : rarely, infrequently.

Is seldom used often?

No. Infrequent. I seldom come across it. Note: “Seldom” is both an adjective and an adverb.

What are some other words for seldom?

synonyms for seldom

  • a few times.
  • hardly.
  • occasionally.
  • rarely.
  • scarcely.
  • sometimes.
  • sporadically.
  • every now and then.
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How do you use the word seldom?

Seldom sentence example

  1. The same people seldom show up twice.
  2. He seldom offered an opinion, much less began a conversation.
  3. Lisa had no trouble understanding why she seldom had company.
  4. Her manuscripts seldom contain typographical errors when she hands them to Miss Sullivan to read.

What is the synonyms of seldom?

Synonyms & Antonyms of seldom

  • infrequently,
  • little,
  • rarely.

What is mean hardly ever?

Definition of hardly ever : almost never : very seldom we hardly ever see them anymore.

What does seldom get mad mean?

relax; become less serious or less angry.

What does not seldom mean?

on only a few occasions; rarely; infrequently; not often: We seldom see our old neighbors anymore.

What is the opposite in meaning of seldom?

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms seldom. Antonyms: commonly, frequently, uniformly, systematically, habitually, regularly, often, invariably. Synonyms: rarely, infrequently, occasionally, inconstantly, hardly ever.