
Does the continuous spectrum contain all the wavelengths of light?

Does the continuous spectrum contain all the wavelengths of light?

A continuous spectrum contains many different colors, or wavelengths, with no gaps. Perfectly white light shined through a prism causes dispersion of the light, and we see a rainbow. This is a continuous spectrum.

What does it mean when a spectrum is continuous?

Definition of continuous spectrum : a spectrum (as of light emitted by a white-hot lamp filament) having no apparent breaks or gaps throughout its wavelength range.

Which kind of spectrum contains all wavelengths of light?

electromagnetic spectrum
The electromagnetic spectrum is a map of all the types of light that we can identify. It separates all the types of light by wavelength because that directly relates to how energetic the wave is. More energetic waves have shorter wavelengths while less energetic waves have longer wavelengths.

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Why is light a continuous spectrum?

Continuous spectra arise from dense gases or solid objects which radiate their heat away through the production of light. Such objects emit light over a broad range of wavelengths, thus the apparent spectrum seems smooth and continuous. Stars emit light in a predominantly (but not completely!)

What is a continuous spectrum quizlet?

Continuous spectrum. A spectrum that exhibits all the wavelengths of visible light.

What emits a continuous spectrum?

Continuous spectra (also called thermal or blackbody spectra) arise from dense gases or solid objects which radiate heat. They emit radiation over a broad range of wavelengths, thus the spectra appear smooth and continuous.

What is a continuous spectrum an absorption spectrum quizlet?

If light comprising a continuous spectrum passes through a cool, low-density gas, the result will be an absorption spectrum (series of dark spectral lines which are ‘missing colors’ of the continuous spectrum.)

What are continuous emission and absorption spectra how are they produced quizlet?

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A continuous spectrum is produced by a hot, high-density light source. An emission spectrum is produced by a hot, low-density light source. An absorption spectrum is produced by a hot, high-density light source shining through a cool, low-density medium.

What is wavelength of visible spectrum?

What is the visible light spectrum? The visible light spectrum is the segment of the electromagnetic spectrum that the human eye can view. More simply, this range of wavelengths is called visible light. Typically, the human eye can detect wavelengths from 380 to 700 nanometers.

What do different wavelengths of light represent?

Different wavelengths of light appear to our eyes as different colors. Shorter wavelengths appear blue or violet, and longer wavelengths appear red. The animation at the right shows a schematic drawing of a wave. The white line represents the wavelength.