
How accurate is the Phantom 4 RTK?

How accurate is the Phantom 4 RTK?

Looking at solely the XY accuracy of the control points, the P4 RTK delivers 1.2cm relative horizontal accuracy. These results show that using a Phantom 4 RTK drone, a user can expect, on average, 3.65 cm linear measurement accuracy on RTK processed maps in DroneDeploy.

What is the accuracy of drone survey?

Drone maps created using good quality drone equipment, careful flight planning, commercial grade GPS ground control points and commercial grade processing software can potentially be accurate to around 2-3cm horizontally and around 5-6cm vertically.

Can you add RTK to a Phantom 4?

A new RTK module is integrated directly into the Phantom 4 RTK, providing real-time, centimeter-level positioning data for improved absolute accuracy on image metadata.

How does RTK work DJI?

The DJI Phantom 4 RTK captures original satellite observation data as well as the ephemeris data and stores it in a PPKRAW. bin file in RTCM 3.2. format. Additionally, the Phantom 4 RTK converts the satellite data on the fly to the RINEX format (Receiver Independent Exchange Format) and writes the data into a RINEX.

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What is RTK accuracy?

RTK GPS Accuracy: What accuracy is RTK? RTK is used for applications that require higher accuracies, such as centimetre-level positioning, up to 1 cm + 1 ppm accuracy.

How accurate is an aerial survey?

Broadly speaking, surface levels on clear ground can be measured from aerial photo- graphs to an accuracy of between 1/5,000th and 1/8,000th of the height from which they were taken.

How do you use phantom 4 RTK?

Phantom 4 RTK Tutorial: How to use the Phantom 4 RTK Photogrammetry

  1. Connect to D-RTK 2 Mobile Station or a Network RTK service.
  2. Select Plan.
  3. Choose Photogrammetry.
  4. Enter the Map Screen.
  5. Tap Map to Set First Waypoint.
  6. Set All Waypoints.
  7. Adjust Flight Settings.
  8. Tap Save.