
How are organ donors declared dead?

How are organ donors declared dead?

How is Someone Declared Brain Dead? In California, two separate doctors will independently run a series of standardized exams that test whether or not the brain is functioning at any level. If both doctors find the patient absent of any responses, the patient is then declared dead.

Is autopsy required for organ donation?

The need for an autopsy does not always prevent organ donation. The Coroner or PF may discuss options with the pathologist who will perform the autopsy. Tissue donation does not normally interfere with death investigation, so it may still be possible to donate corneas, skin, bones and tendons.

What happens if you are an organ donor and you die?

Donation only when the donor dies in hospital Organs need a supply of oxygen-rich blood to remain suitable for transplantation. Donors are put on artificial respiration to keep their heart beating, so that oxygen-rich blood continues to circulate through their body.

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Are you still alive for organ donation?

While some organs, such as a single kidney, can be donated while the donor is alive, most organ donations occur after the donor has died. The medical profession considers people whose brains have irreversibly ceased to function to be dead.

Can death row inmates be organ donors?

Death row inmates. Although no law specifically forbids death row inmates from donating organs postmortem, as of 2013 all requests by death row inmates to donate their organs after execution have been denied by states.

Does organ donation delay funeral?

Fact: Organ and tissue donation doesn’t interfere with having an open-casket funeral. The donor’s body is clothed for burial and treated with care and respect, so there are no visible signs of organ or tissue donation.

Does organ donation impact on forensic outcomes a review of coronial outcomes and criminal trial proceedings?

Conclusions: Organ donation, where permitted, had limited impact on autopsy evidence and any subsequent court proceedings. Where organ donation was not permitted, autopsy evidence did not significantly alter coronial findings or judicial outcomes.

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Can you donate your heart while you are alive?

Donating an organ while you’re alive is called a “living donation.” Many people who are ill need an organ transplant to live. But there are a lot more organs needed than are available.