
How are veterans handling Afghanistan?

How are veterans handling Afghanistan?

Among Afghanistan veterans, 49 percent approve of Biden’s handling of Afghanistan policy, compared to 54 percent who approve of how Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama dealt with the country.

What percentage of veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan have been diagnosed?

Nearly 20 percent of military service members who have returned from Iraq and Afghanistan — 300,000 in all — report symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder or major depression, yet only slightly more than half have sought treatment, according to a new RAND Corporation study.

Do we still have troops in Iraq?

About 2,500 American troops are in Iraq now, the embers of what was once a scorching and divisive war, now carefully scattered to protect a few strategic bases. For the next nine months, roughly 2,000 soldiers from First Brigade will take over much of that duty.

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How many Afghanistan veterans have PTSD?

This study finds that 15.7\% of OEF/OIF deployed Veterans screened positive for PTSD compared to 10.9\% of non-deployed Veterans. Overall 13.5\% of study participants screened positive for PTSD.

How many Iraq and Afghanistan veterans receive VA mental health care?

A 2014 study led by researchers at the San Francisco VA Medical Center looked at nearly 40,000 Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans who received VA mental health care between 2001 and 2011 and had a post-deployment diagnosis of PTSD.

Are US civilians now more supportive of Iraq Veterans?

In contrast, US civilians are now more supportive of the Iraq veterans. Washington State University’s Alair MacLean studied the way that US service members came back from battle, showing that World War II veterans fared better upon their return than those who served in Vietnam.

What are some VA Research topics related to Iraq and Afghanistan?

Some key topics are outlined below. More detail on VA research involving Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans can be found on several of our other topic Web pages, including mental health, PTSD, prosthetics, spinal cord injury, suicide prevention, and TBI.

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Why are so many veterans wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan still alive?

Veterans wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan are surviving in greater numbers than in previous conflicts due to advances in body armor, battlefield medicine, and medical evacuation transport. As a result, more Veterans are living with disabling injuries, including the often-lifelong effects of TBI.