
How can I get OTP for SBI online?

How can I get OTP for SBI online?

Login to OnlineSBI, go to profile section and click on Activate Secure OTP link. Enter the activation code received. User registration to SecureOTP app will be completed after successful validation of activation code.

How can I get SBI transaction without OTP?

10,000 per day without OTP. However, if the limit of Rs. 10,000 is exceeded, then OTP will be mandatory to complete the transaction…….OnlineSBI on Mobile – FAQ.

Intra-Bank, Inter-Bank, Credit Card (VISA) Bill Pay and IMPS Funds Transfer Up to a cumulative of Rs. 50,000 per user
NPS contribution Up to Rs. 50,000 per user

How can I change my SBI secure OTP to SMS?

Please login to Onlinesbi and go to “Profile>> High Security Option” and deregister the State Bank Secure OTP App for receiving SMS OTP. You can re-register the application again in your mobile and continue using the same for OTP generation.

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Can I transfer money online without OTP?

Yes, you don’t need to enter High-security password while transferring money from your SBI account using net banking. One Time Password is a security password to secure your online transaction. Without OTP Money transfer in SBI now possible and you can transfer up to 10,000 without entering OTP.

Why my SBI secure OTP not working?

Forgot mPIN option will reset the app. You have to register again to the application using your INB credentials and the OTP received in your INB registered mobile number. Please login to Onlinesbi and go to “Profile>> High Security Option” and deregister the SBI Secure OTP App for receiving SMS OTP.

How do I link my phone number to my bank account online?

Go to the ‘My Account’ or ‘My Profile’ section of your internet banking account, under which you will find the ‘contact number’ tab. If you have multiple accounts with the same bank, select the appropriate account for which you would like to link the mobile number.