
How can I improve my existing blog?

How can I improve my existing blog?

How to Increase Blog Traffic: 6 Steps to Reignite Your Content

  1. Focus on Producing Less, Higher Quality Content.
  2. Improve Your Internal Link Strategy.
  3. Nail Your Topic With Thorough Keyword Research.
  4. Optimize the Blog for Your Keyword.
  5. Fix Critical Page Speed and Mobile Friendliness Issues.
  6. Promote Your Blog Posts.

How do I ask for feedback on my writing?

How to ask for feedback on your writing

  1. Check your intention. If the only reason you’re asking for another’s opinion is to receive praise and admiration of your genius then don’t ask for feedback.
  2. Know your audience.
  3. Going to the pros.
  4. Be brave.
  5. One-to-one.
  6. Gratitude – always.

How do you give feedback tips?

7 Tips on Giving Feedback to Employees

  1. Strike a professional tone.
  2. Emphasize facts not feelings.
  3. Watch your words.
  4. Be direct when giving feedback.
  5. Make it a two-way conversation.
  6. Focus on the fix.
  7. Balance negative feedback with praise.
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How evaluation and feedback will help you improve your website?

Customer feedback gives you a glimpse inside your users’ minds, and you can use that information to improve their experience, reduce drop-offs, and boost conversions. While analytics tools show you what is happening, website feedback—feedback that you collect directly on your website—tells you why it’s happening.

Should you update blog posts?

It’s the idea of working smarter rather than harder. Using less energy than it would take to produce a completely new blog post, you can update your old posts and help them earn even more traffic, social media shares, and maybe even more money. This works, first and foremost, because Google values freshness.

How do you give feedback to someone’s writing?

Tips For Responding to Someone Else’s Writing

  1. Say something positive.
  2. Talk about your responses while reading the work.
  3. Critique the writing, not the writer.
  4. Be specific.
  5. Prioritize your comments.
  6. Summarize comments in a paragraph or two.
  7. Golden Rule.

How do I ask for feedback in English?

There are a few common types of question you can ask in order to receive feedback:

  1. Open-ended questions.
  2. Yes / No or rating based questions.
  3. Ask for honesty.
  4. Be specific and timely.
  5. Listen to learn.
  6. Ask clarifying questions.
  7. Take notes.
  8. Commit and follow up.
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How can I use feedback to improve my performance?

Tips for receiving feedback

  1. Listen to the message.
  2. Do not defend or argue.
  3. Clarify if you are unsure.
  4. Accept praise; don’t write it off.
  5. Focus on what is being said; don’t feel that you have to agree or disagree.
  6. Ensure that you understand what is being said; show that you understand.

Should I delete old blogs?

The short answer is YES! If your old blog posts are out-of-date, irrelevant and/or poor quality and cannot be salvaged, then yes, you should delete your old blog posts.

How do you end a blog post?

It’s what drives them back to your blog to read more of your content. Here are 5 effective ways to end your blog post: 1. Summarize the key points Do a recap of the m a in message and key points you want your readers to remember. Restate what you told them and why it’s important.

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What are the best tips for a beginner blogger?

Blogging Tips and Strategies 1. Preparing Your Blog. 2. Building Your Blog. 3. Creating Content for Your Blog. 4. Blog Monetization Strategies. 5. Social Media Marketing Strategies. 6. Email Marketing Tips for Bloggers. 7. SEO Strategies for Bloggers. 8. Bonus Tips. You’re probably days away

How to prepare your blog for success?

Here are the tips that will help you through the process of preparing your blog: 1. Niche down The ever-rising popularity of blogging is a double-edged sword. True — it spurred in the creation of tools and services that make blogging more accessible than ever.

How to make your blog more popular?

Make Your Blog Understand Your Readers This is where metrics tools come into the picture. Keep an eye on the visitor count, and measure the effectiveness of every blog post. Keep a record of your growth. Check the number of views of your blogs. Try to understand what is popular on your blog and why it’s popular.