
How can I legally immigrate to the Netherlands?

How can I legally immigrate to the Netherlands?

If you wish to stay in the Netherlands as a highly skilled migrant, you will require a provisional residence permit (mvv) or/and a residence permit. In addition, guest lectures, scientific researchers and medical trainee specialists are regarded as highly skilled migrants.

How can I sponsor my visa in Netherlands?

Fill in the proof of sponsorship and/or private accommodation form (information in Dutch). Fill in one form for each person you want to sponsor. In some municipalities you can do this online. Please note: both the form and the website state that this is intended for visitors who require a visa.

How do you get a visa to live in the Netherlands?

You can apply for a residence permit and an MVV in two ways:

  1. through a host in the Netherlands (such as an employer, family member or educational institution)
  2. in person at a Dutch embassy or consulate.
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Do companies sponsor Visa in Netherlands?

A sponsor is a person or organisation that has an interest in a foreign national coming to stay in the Netherlands. The sponsor can submit an application for a residence permit from the Netherlands. When you employ a foreign national, you become this employee’s sponsor.

How can an American move to the Netherlands?

U.S. citizens who want to work in the Netherlands or simply live here are required to apply for a residence permit. A special category exists in the case of highly skilled migrants. American applicants can submit a form for Transfer within a company for positions such as branch managers.

Can anyone sponsor me to Netherlands?

Almost any company can apply to be a recognised sponsor, but they do have to fulfil some requirements. There’s a long list of conditions to become a recognised sponsor, including things like being listed on the Commercial Register and being in good financial standing.