
How can I withdraw my PPF online in India?

How can I withdraw my PPF online in India?

Here are the steps of withdrawing money from your PPF account:

  1. Step 1: Download the PPF Withdrawal Form (Form C) from your bank’s website online or you can get it from the bank branch.
  2. Step 2: Enclose a copy of PPF passbook along with Form C.
  3. Step 3: Submit the same at your respective bank branch.

How can I withdraw my PPF account online?

You can log in to your net banking to find the withdrawal amount and download Form C for withdrawal. After that, you have to fill and sign the form. Next, submit the form at the bank branch or post office where your PPF account exists. Upon processing your request, the bank will close your PPF account.

How can I withdraw my PPF account in India?

How to withdraw money from a PPF account? Step 1: Fill in Form C with relevant details. You can download this from your bank or Post Office website or at the branch. Step 2: Submit the form to the bank or Post Office branch where your PPF account is held.

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How is PPF withdrawal calculated?

The amount that can be withdrawn is equal to the lower of: 50\% of the PPF account balance as at the end of the year immediately preceding the current year, or, 50\% of the account balance as at the end of the 4th year, immediately preceding the current year.

Can we withdraw money from PPF account before maturity?

PPF Withdrawal Rules Before Maturity You cannot withdraw the entire amount from your PPF account. The amount is capped at the lower of the two – 50\% of the balance at the end of the fourth financial year or 50\% of the balance at the end of the preceding year.

When can we take loan from PPF?

Apart from these benefits, a PPF account holder can also avail a loan on the basis of the PPF balance standing to his credit. Loan can be availed from the 3rd to 6th financial year of the account. If the account was opened in 2020-21, loan can be availed from 2022-23.

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Can I partially withdraw PF?

To meet short-term needs, partial early withdrawal from EPF is permitted but only on certain conditions. After leaving a job, one can withdraw 75 per cent of their provident fund balance if he/she remains unemployed for 1 month and the remaining 25 per cent after the 2nd month of unemployment.