
How can someone like a picture on Facebook without being friends?

How can someone like a picture on Facebook without being friends?

1 Answer. Yes, it depends on their privacy settings, whether it is posted as “Public” or “Friends” or Some Customized list. It is just that if you see “Like” button, you can; if not, you cannot, and same goes for “Comment” and “Share” options.

How can someone like my Facebook profile picture?

What you need to do is change the privacy setting of your profile pic to viewable by “Only Me”. That means your friends and the general public will only be able to see the thumbnail version of your profile pic, they will not be able to click on it and like it or comment on it.

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Who can react to my profile picture?

By default, only your friends (and friends of anyone tagged) can like or comment on public profile information.

Can anyone like my profile picture?

In other words, they won’t be able to like or comment on your profile picture as they won’t be able to see it on their feed. Even so, your friends will be able to see that you’ve changed your profile picture via their news feed.

Can my Facebook friends see my likes?

Your friends can see ALL the photos you’ve liked on Facebook — whether you like it or not. It’s official. Facebook is the ultimate place to go if you want to be embarrassed. Anyone and everyone on your friend list can peruse through all the photos you’ve ever liked on Facebook.

Does Facebook show when you like a photo?

When you like a photo, it’s visible to anyone who can see the post. Your followers may also see your username below a photo you’ve liked, no matter how many likes it has (example: [your username] and 12 others).

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How can I hide the number of likes on my profile picture 2021?

How to hide Likes on Facebook: Hide Page Likes

  1. Open Facebook in a desktop browser, then navigate to your profile page and click ‘More.
  2. Select ‘Likes’ from the menu.
  3. Click the submenu button on the right — it’s the lowest of the two 3-dot buttons — then click ‘Edit the Privacy of your Likes.

How can I stop my friends getting notified of my likes and comments in Facebook?

Go to your own Facebook profile page. You will have to go to your privacy settings on your account and choose “only me” on who can see your likes and comments on public posts.

Who can see a like on Facebook?

“Liking” Facebook Page Categories By default, these categories are set to Public, so when you like a Facebook Page, such as a restaurant, everyone can see it. But if you prefer, you can change these settings to restrict the audience who sees the Page categories you like.

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How do I stop my likes appearing on friends news feed?

If you comment on or like a post that they can view, then your comment or like may appear in their News Feed unless they turn those off. To do that they can hover their pointer over your name or go to your profile/timeline, then move to the Subscribed button, and uncheck “Comments and Likes”.