
How can you extend the range of an ammeter?

How can you extend the range of an ammeter?

So to increase the range of ammeters we should have to connect low resistance in parallel so that equivalent resistance is lower hence to increase range of an ammeter we need to connect a suitable low resistance in parallel. Therefore option (A) is correct option .

Why do we need to extend the range of an voltmeter?

Now let us learn about the extension of the measuring range of voltmeters. Due to difficulty in measuring high voltages with normal voltmeters, it is, therefore, necessary to bring those high values to normal values that can be measurable by voltmeters. This process is called the extension of range of voltmeter.

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What is Extension range of ammeter and voltmeter?

There are four common devices used for the range extension of ammeter and voltmeter namely; shunts, multipliers and current and potential transformers. Whereas in the case of moving iron ammeters, for the ranges up to 0 – 250 A, shunts are used and for the ranges higher than that, CTs are used.

How can the current range of a Pmmc instrument be extended with the help of shunts?

When using a PMMC meter as an ammeter, its range of measurement can be extended further with the help of parallel connected “Shunt Resistors”, thus allowing it to measure DC currents many times greater than its normal full-scale deflection current rating as only a fraction of the total current will pass through the …

What is multiplier in voltmeter?

The series resistance, which is used in DC voltmeter is also called series multiplier resistance or simply, multiplier. It basically limits the amount of current that flows through galvanometer in order to prevent the meter current from exceeding the full scale deflection value.

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What is range extension?

Range Extension (RE) is a Market Profile concept. If the market moves above or below this established High or Low we have Range Extension. Some traders do not consider Range Extension to be significant (and tradable) until the market has traded a number of ticks beyond the IB range.

Which of the following you will prefer to extend the range of an voltmeter?

The range of voltmeter can be increased by connecting a suitable high resistors in series with it. 2. The range of a voltmeter can decreased by reducing its resistace. This can be done by putting a suitable resistance in parallel with the voltmeter.

How can you increase the range of a galvanometer?

How can we increase the range of galvanometer? Ans. By connecting a resistance in series with it. . . .

How can the current and the voltage ranges of the moving coil galvanometer be extended?

There are four common devices used for the range extension of ammeter and voltmeter namely; shunts, multipliers and current and potential transformers. The shunts and multipliers are used to extend the range of moving coil ammeters and voltmeters respectively.

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How do you extend the range of a Wattmeter?

By using a current and potential transformer in conjunction with a wattmeter, high power measurements can be done. The current and potential transformers are connected between the line and current and voltage coils of a wattmeter respectively.

How do you calculate the multiplier of a voltmeter?

m = Multiplying Factor = 1 + Rs/Rm The term V/Vm is called Multiplying Factor of Voltmeter. Multiplying Factor is basically the value by which the range of voltmeter can be extended.