
How did Aviation change ww2?

How did Aviation change ww2?

Technological advances in aviation during the war included improvements to long-range bombers, experimentation with jet-powered aircraft, and the use of radar to find enemy targets and detect enemy planes. Planes became faster, and fuel consumption also improved during the war.

What tests and improvements performed at Langley helped the US airplane industry give at least two examples?

At a gathering of aviation experts and engineers, the NACA’s Langley Field Laboratory presented its achievements, including the development of powerful engines, improved aerodynamics, and a new wind tunnel.

What plane did NASA contribute to that had a large impact on the war?

One project NACA engineers often high-lighted was their work on the engines for the Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress. While testing the early B-17 prototypes, the Army had discovered that adding a turbo-supercharger would greatly improve the altitude and speed of the bomber.

What innovation improved American aviation over the course of WWII?

Two pieces of technology that stand out in the aviation history of World War II are Radar and Bombsights. Both technologies played a crucial role in the defensive and offensive strategies of all the countries involved.

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What were the major steps or processes in the production of aircraft during WWI?

What were the major steps or processes in the production of aircraft during World War I? Assembly of wing structures. Applying fabric to the wings. Installing engines.

What was NACA’s mission in the early 1940s?

NACA’s mission: “To supervise and direct the scientific study of the problems of flight with a view to their practical solution, and to determine the problems which should be experimentally attacked and to discuss their solution and their application to practical questions.”

Was the YF 12 ever used?

Before the famous SR-71, there was the YF-12, which emerged from Lockheed Martin in the 1960s. It had a short life and was never actually used operationally by the military, but it did form the basis for the SR-71, which had a much longer life. Only three of the planes were built.

What were some other advances in medicine during ww2?

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World War II saw the expanded use of antibiotics as a very significant advance. Sulfa drugs, discovered in 1935, and penicillin, developed in 1939, have led the way to the obvious world-wide benefit we have today from any number of effective antibiotics.

How did World war 1 affected the aviation industry?

Most important was the development of more powerful motors, allowing aircraft to reach speeds of up to 130 miles per hour, more than twice the speed of pre-war aircraft. Improved power also made bigger aircraft possible. Development of the aircraft did not immediately affect the development of commercial flights.