
How did people view the Jedi?

How did people view the Jedi?

After the end of the Jedi Civil War, many people began to loathe the Jedi as much as the Sith, as they believed they were equally responsible for the destruction brought upon the galaxy. Many would willingly turn in a Jedi to the Exchange, who had put a bounty out on them.

What was the Jedi role in the Republic?

In time, the Jedi Order, a noble order of protectors who could tap into the power of the Force, came to serve the Republic as guardians of peace and justice.

Are the Jedis part of the Republic?

The Jedi served the Republic for over a thousand generations, acting as peacekeepers. But with the reemergence of the Sith, ancient dark side practitioners, the fate of the Jedi would take a sad turn. Orchestrating the Clone Wars, Darth Sidious pulled the galaxy apart with the Jedi caught in the middle.

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Did the Jedi found the Republic?

Though the Jedi fought to preserve the Republic, the government they served was secretly taken over by Sidious who, as Senator Sheev Palpatine of Naboo, rose to power in the Senate and became the last Supreme Chancellor of the Republic.

Who are Jedi based on?

While the elite Jedi—who guard peace and justice in the Galactic Republic—bear similarities to Japanese samurai and Shaolin monks, they also echo the medieval monastic military order of the Knights Templar.

Why do the Jedi fight for the Republic?

Originally Answered: Why is Jedi Order involved in politics during Clone Wars? The Jedi were affiliated with the Republic for so long that they lost the sense of their true purpose. They basically became a Force sensitive guardians of the Republic, defended it no matter what and were blinded by what it has become.

Why did the Republic turn on the Jedi?

Him getting caught spying for the Republic on Geonosis is what prompted the Jedi involvement. If that is why the Jedi were fighting for the Republic, then Obi-Wan was a far more effective tool for Palpatine than Vader ever was.

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Is Jedi based on Buddhism?

The second major source of the Jedi Way is Buddhism, specifically Zen, a variant found largely in Japan. As with most forms of Buddhism, Zen preaches “non-attachment,” the letting go of emotional bonds to people, places and things. Like the Jedi knights, Buddhist monks are ascetic and celibate.