
How did Philip 2 defeat the Greeks?

How did Philip 2 defeat the Greeks?

How was Philip II able to conquer Greece? He organized his troops into phalanxes of 16 men across and 16 deep, each one armed with an 18-foot pike. Philip used this heavy phalanx formation to break through enemy lines. Then he used fast moving cavalry to crush his disorganized opponents.

What military tactic did Philip II use?

Philip’s cavalry typically attacked in wedge formation, the narrow end forward, a tactic he copied from the Thracians and Scythians. The ratio of cavalry to infantry in Philip’s new army was one to six, twice that of the Persians and the largest cavalry-to-infantry force ratio of any army in antiquity.

How did Macedonia conquer the Greeks?

In 368 BCE Philip II and Alexander III defeated the combined forces of Athens and Thebes at the Battle of Chaeronea and afterwards formed the Pan-Hellenic Congress with himself as its head. He had effectively conquered the Greek city-states and brought them under Macedonian control.

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What fighting formation did Philip II of Macedonia use in combat?

The Macedonian phalanx (Greek: Μακεδονική φάλαγξ) is an infantry formation developed by Philip II and used by his son Alexander the Great to conquer the Achaemenid Empire and defeat armies of other kingdoms.

Who assassinated Philip II of Macedon?

There Philip was assassinated by Pausanias, a young Macedonian noble with a bitter grievance against the young queen’s uncle Attalus and against Philip for denying him justice. This was the official explanation, and Pausanias himself could add nothing to it; he was killed on the spot.

When did Philip of Macedon conquer Greece?

Expansion of Macedonia under Philip II

Date 359–336 BC
Location Thrace, Illyria, Greece, Asia Minor
Result Macedonia expands to dominate Ancient Greece and the southern Balkans

What factors allowed Philip II of Macedonia to conquer the Greek city-states?

The army that Phillip II developed was to help him establish an empire. This army allowed him to turn Macedonia from a second-rate power into a major Greek power. It was this army that allowed Alexander to conquer most of the known world.

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What reforms did Philip II introduce to build up the Macedonian army?

One important military innovation of Philip II is often overlooked, he banned the use of wheeled transport and limited the number of camp servants to one to every ten infantrymen and one each for the cavalry. This reform made the baggage train of the army very small for its size and improved its speed of march.