
How did Poggers get its name?

How did Poggers get its name?

“Poggers” belongs to a sort of family of words that includes “PogChamp” and “MonkaS.” All three of these are derived from BetterTTV emotes used on Twitch.

Why is Poggers a bad word?

Poggers is just a way to exclaim excitement about something. It originates from “play of game” in video games and is usually used on Twitch and is an emote of a man or Pepe the frog making an excited face. Nothing offensive about it.

Who made the word Poggers?

The real person behind the scene that made Pepe the frog famous on Twitch is Gootecks. He is a streamer that first put out the poggers emote. Gootecks recorded someone who bump into his camera and made a surprise face at that particular scene. Every since then Pepe the frog became the famous online surprise face.

Who was Poggers?

Poggers is the Pepe the Frog version of PogChamp. It is a BTTV graphic and is more popular than PogChamp in some communities (such as League of Legends). It was uploaded on February 23, 2017, to BTTV and has grown in popularity ever since.

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Where did POG come from?

The PogChamp emote is based on a blooper video of Ryan “Gootecks” Gutierrez. In the video, he and Mike Ross were having a conversation when the camera-man tipped over his tripod. This was Gutierrez’s reaction. Though the video appeared in 2010, it was a couple of years before it was added to Twitch.

When was the word Poggers most used?

The origin of Poggers goes back to the 24th September 2017. It is the fusion between Pepe the Frog and PogChamp. It is one of the most used emotes by League of Legends players. It’s used in the same way as PogChamp and it shows that we are shocked and very excited about what we are seeing on the stream.

When did pog become a thing?

The original emote was added to Twitch’s pool of global emotes in 2012, and removed by Twitch on January 6, 2021 following comments from Gutierrez on his Twitter page supporting civil unrest during the 2021 storming of the United States Capitol.